----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hello all  SLA Geography & Map Division Members and Maps-l folks!
I am currently updating the Geography & Map Division membership directory,
which will be appearing in the forthcoming Spring 1996 Bulletin. If any of
you have moved, know someone who has moved, if your information is not
correct in the 1996 Who's Who for Special Libraries, or if I made a mistake
on your information last year, could you please send me a message and give
me the corrected information. (Please use a subject line of "membership".)
If you have questions about becoming a member, or concerns with your
membership, please contact Mr. Paige Andrew, Chair of  the Membership
Committee, at 814/865-1858 or [log in to unmask]
Lisa A. Recupero
Earth and Mineral Sciences Library        phone: 814/865-3694
105 Deike Building                        email: [log in to unmask]
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802