----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Good-morning, -afternoon, -evening to all readrers whereever you may be
geographically located.
This is a request but should not been seen as a demand for extensive
searches by Librarians especially Map librarians.
Only a guidance required  to kick-start the process.
A reader has enquired if work/research has been carried out recently on
maps in the print media: their accuracies, reliance and their value in
portraying information in a cartographic format to the reader.
English and French language titles of journal articles are welcome.
The reader and myself are aware of some earlier research undertaken on
the falsification (deliberate or otherwise) of data included on maps.
MAPS-L carried some letters last year on a similar topic.
Cartographers, Geographers, Historians and Journalists/Communication
researchers may wish to respond to the undersigned.
Thanking you,
Mr Vivian L. Forbes,
Map Curator
THe University of Western Australia
Nedlands 6907
Western Australia
Tel: (09) 380 2701
Fax: (09) 380 1037
E-mail: <[log in to unmask]>