----------------------------Original message----------------------------
   Our Library users at the University of Florida frequently consult the Tide
and Current Tables for both the East and West Coast of North and South America.
They are some of the more used non-map research tools because of our proximity
to the Caribbean and because three of our borders are coastal.  Therefore,
the news that NOAA is no longer printing and distributing these tables,
effective 1996, was definately unwelcomed.  We have a stop gap measure in
place but have to find a more reliable means for supplying this information
to our patrons.
   I was hoping that users of MAPS-L might have some experiences with the two
authorized suppliers and with the CD-ROM.  We are interested in opinions from
both librarians and others who are using them for navigation and reseach.
The dealers we have listed are Thomas Reed Publicatons, Boston, Mass. and
McGraw Hill, International Marine Division.  We would like to know about the
format, timeliness, cost, realiability of source etc.  In addition, for the
CDROM, we are interested in equipment requirements and user friendliness of it.
Also before we buy the CD-ROM, does anyone know if this will be supplied on
GPO depository program?  The University of Florida is the Regional GPO
depository for Florida and Puerto Rico and we have not yet received the CD-ROM.
Finally, I do not know if every one knows about the NOS, Coastal and Estuarine
Oceanography Branch Homepage.  It is supposed to provide predictions
covering a four day period beginning on the day of inquiry for domestic tidal
reference stations.  The address is (http://www-ceob.nos.noaa.gov).
Thank you for any information you might provide us concerning these publica-
HelenJane Armstrong, Map & Imagery Library University of Florida
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