----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear Map experts:
        I have a map in my collection I received from my uncle in Manchester, it
is a cloth map printed in four colours, entitled Philips' Main Road Map of
England & Wales. Scale is 1'=15 miles, or 1:950000. It depicts a number of
interesting cross sections of the country in hypsometric tints, and a "Perpetual
Lighting Up Table", for turning on the headlights. There is, of course, no date,
unless it was in the bottom right corner, which seems to have suffered a little
road rash! The cardboard cover flap declares it is the Official Touring Map of
the Royal Automobile Club, printed by George Philip and Sons, 32 Fleet Street,
London, E.C. 4. From the style of the map and typography, and the crude
illustration of a "touring style" car on the cover, I'm guessing late twenties,
early thirties. Any more educated guesses?
                                        Sean D. Smith
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