----------------------------Original message----------------------------
In case someone else wants to participate or has yet to respond, I am
forwarding with sender's permission to MAPS-L.
|     Alberta Auringer Wood, Maps, Data and Media Librarian, Memorial        |
|  University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, CANADA  A1B 3Y1     |
|  phone: 709-737-8892; fax: 709-737-2153; Internet: [log in to unmask] |
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 23:36:07 GMT
From: m.wood <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Design questionnaire
Dear friends,
Recently I and two colleagues sent out a questionnaire as part of our
investigation into the practitioners' view of map design.  We mailed
over two hundred of these mainly to the UK but with a good
representation to the US and Canada.  The requested deadline was 15
March of this year and, sadly, so far (and with only 2 weeks to go) we
have received only 15 returns.
I know how difficult it can be to answer such questionnaires (and we
have tried to make most of the questions easy to answer) but I would
like to put out a SPECIAL PLEA for you to try to complete and return your
copy.  I have been asked to report on this project at the SoC Summer
School in September and I would like to make that presentation as full
as possible.  To the people who have already responded we are very
grateful.  The information contained in these forms is very interesting
but our results will be of considerably lower value of based on such a
low response.  I do appreciate that for some resaons you may find it
difficult or impossible to respond to this request but please try, or email
ALSO!!!  If there are any cartographers on this list who have NOT
received a copy of the questionnaire and WOULD LIKE ONE, please
reply to [log in to unmask]
The more responses we get the better!
Thank you for your patience,