----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The Machine Readable Bibliographic Information Committee (MARBI) of the
American Library Association, in coordination with the Library of Congress and
the National Libray of Canada, are working to align CAN/MAC and USMARC.
Discussion paper 93 is currently before MARBI for discussion.  This paper
presents the changes that CAN/MARC users have suggested be made to USMARC
bibliographic and authorities formats to facilitate the alignment.
The CAN/MARC users have also made a number of suggestions for changes to
In the paper, there are several suggested changes of specific interest to the
cartographic community, chiefly in the bibliographic format.  I will summarize
the suggested changes in field number order.
007 - Globe / 01  Specific Material Designation  addition of a code "e" for
lunar globe (earth moon).  USMARC currently does not differentiate between
Earth's moon and other planetary moons.
008 - Maps / 18-21  Relief  addition of code "u" for unknown
008 - Maps/ 22-23  Projection  addition of 3 codes: az - azimuthal, other type;
bz - cylindrical, other type; cz - conic, other type.
  USMARC does include codes au=Azimuthal, specific type unknown,
bu=Cylindrical, specific type unknown, cu=Conic, specific type unknown, and
008 - Maps / 24-25  Prime Meridian
    CAN/MARC has 39 prime meridian values, using 2 character positions for
them.  USMARC has only 7 values, in cp 24.  Six of the 7 USMARC meridans are
also in the CAN/MARC list, with different codes.  USMARC uses cp 25 for Type of
cartographic material (Single map, Map series, Map serial, Globe, Atlas).
Canada suggests that the USMARC values for positions 24 and 25 be abandoned and
the 30 prime meridian 2-character values in CAN/MARC be adopted.
Prime Meridian codes:
Current CAN/MARC codes                       Current USMARC codes
ab  Ferro, Canary Islands                    f  Ferro
ac  Paris, France                            g  Paris
ad  Amsterdam, Netherlands                   ----
ae  Athens, Greece                           ----
af  Batavia, (Djakarta) Indonesia            ----
ag  Berne, Switzerland                       ----
ah  Bogota, Columbia                         ----
ai  Brussels, Belgium                        ----
ak  Cadiz, Spain                             ----
al  Capetown, South Africa                   ----
am  Caracas, Venezuela                       ----
an  Copenhagen, Denmark                      ----
ao  Cordoba, Argentina                       ----
ap  Helsinki, Finland                        ----
aq  Julianehaab, Greenland                   ----
ar  Lisbon, Portugal                         ----
as  Madras, India                            ----
at  Madrid, Spain                            ----
ba  Mexico City, Mexico                      ----
bb  Munich, Germany                          ----
bc  Naples, Italy                            ----
bd  Oslo (Christina), Norway                 ----
be  Philadelphia, Penn.                      p  Philadelphia
bf  Pulkovo (St. Petersberg), Russia         ----
bg  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil                   ----
bh  Rome, Italy                              ----
bi  Santiago, Chile                          ----
bj  Stockholm, Sweden                        ----
bk  Sydney, Australia                        ----
bl  Tirana, Albania                          ----
bm  Tokyo, Japan                             ----
bn  Washington, D.C.                         w Washington
bo  London, England                          ----
bp  Moscow, Russia                           ----
bq  Istanbul, Turkey                         ----
br  Peking, China                            ----
uu  Unknown                                  ----
zz  Other                                    z Other
----                                         # Prime meridian not specified
----                                         e Grenwich
009 - Cartographic Material
  Local Canadian field to be added as an appendix to the format.  Most
positions in this field are or will be covered by USMARC 007 and 008 fields.
These are the fields that I thought were of most interest to the cartographic
  Based on the impact statements concerning the impact and cost of the
changes and the advantages of improved interchange of records, as well as
further discussions with Canada, a proposal on changes will be prepared for the
July 1996 MARBI meeting.  The full text of the proposal is available through LC
Marvel at:  marvel.loc.gov:70/00/.listarch/usmarc/dp93.doc.
Comments are due to Network Development and MARC Standards by April 15th.  I am
willing to compile comments and would like them by April 1st.
Susan Moore
University of Northern Iowa
(MAGERT Cataloging and Classification Committee Liaison to MARBI)