----------------------------Original message----------------------------
As a cartographer of 32 years I can assure you that you have undertaken a
task that is daunting.  By  your own admission, you are untrained.  You have
no experience, other than that of utilizing ARC View software.  You are even
contemplating going into business, yet have no idea as to how much your
services are worth.  Worse yet, you will probably want to give away data, due
to guilt.
Please, please, please leave the map making industry alone.  We have already
spent needless amount of hours and money trying to undue the damage that you
folk have inflicted upon our clients by confusing the issues of GPS, GIS,
AM/FM, Photogrammetry, Business GIS and DeskTop Mapping.  Additionally, you
above anyone else, should be aware of copyright issues that you may or maynot
infringe upon.