----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Library.  San Diego State University is the largest of the 22 campuses in
the California State University system, with an ethnically diverse student
body of 28,000 students and 2,200 faculty members.  SDSU is a teaching
university with strong research programs.  Its mission is to provide
well-balanced, high-quality education for undergraduate and graduate
students and to contribute to knowledge and the solution of problems through
excellence and distinction in teaching, research, and service.  In support
of this mission, the Library strives to meet the needs of an ever-changing
world of information, technology, and users.
The government publications/maps librarian will be responsible for the
following:  Acquiring and processing maps, including federal depository
maps; implementing a GIS; working with technical services librarians to
develop a maps cataloging project; providing instruction and reference
assistance in the use of maps; collection development in geography; serving
as liaison to the Department of Geography; and assisting in the selection of
government publications.
Qualifications:  MLS from an ALA accredited program (other advanced degree
desirable); familiarity with maps or work experience in a map collection;
strong interpersonal and communication skills; ability to work effectively
in a collegial environment; and experience with new technologies (CD-ROMS,
OPACs, and the Internet).
Desirable:  Ability to work with government publications (U.S., California,
and U.N.); and knowledge of maps cataloging.  Minority candidates and recent
graduates are specifically invited and encouraged to apply.
This is a full-time, tenure-track faculty position.  Rank and salary will be
based upon qualifications and experience.  Send letter of application,
resume, and at least 3 names of references to:  Patti Tucker Storrs, Library
Budget and Personnel Officer, San Diego State University, 5500 Campanile
Dr., San Diego, CA 92182-8050.  Review of applications will begin March 15.
SDSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity Title IX employer and does
not discriminate against persons on the basis of race, religion, national
origin, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, age, or disability.