----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I assume there must be an Italian equivalent to the USGS topo maps - where
>might Joe Civilian map enthusiast and genealogical researcher see and
>purchase such maps?
>Vbob = Bob VENNERBECK = Robert Fahlquist WENNERBACK = <[log in to unmask]>
>2 College Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02903-2784 USA  (401) 454-6236
There is an equivalent, called the Istituto Geografico Militare.  However, the
level of mapping is poor compared to the US.  The 1:200,000 scale mapping is
complete for the country, as is the 1:100,000 scale mapping.  However, most of
the 1:100,000 maps are circa 1900-1920 with some dating back to 1881.  The
1:50,000 series, started in 1964 is available only for about 35% of the country.
The 1:25,000 scale is theoretically complete for the country, with many sheets
dating back to 1879.  However, we find that most of the sheets are essentially
permanently out of stock when we order.
Most of the large university libraries probably have the intermediate scales in
their collections (Harvard, UConn, etc.).  You can purchase these sheets through
map dealers such as ourselves; we stock the 1:200,000 and the 1:25,000 series
for the cities.  All other sheets can be ordered.
Hope this helps
Russell Guy
OMNI Resources
International Map Specialists
Burlington, NC
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