----------------------------Original message----------------------------
In February there was quite a discussion on MapHist about the Vinand map.
The discussion founds its origin in the New York Times article concerning a
symposium at Yale.
 Andrew Cook posted the whole article to MapHist. For those on Maps-L
interested in the matter, I forward Andrew Cook's posting. I am sorry, it's
long and MapHisters have read it already.
Those interested in the discussion should ask for the archives file of Feb.
1996 (or, order early January 1997, for the printed hardcopy of the MapHist
messages - I produce them, 1994 and 1995 are available, those interested,
send me privately a request for information).
The NPR broadcast had renewed the discussion on MapHist.
Date:         Fri, 16 Feb 1996 17:33:07 +0000
Reply-To:     Map History Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       Map History Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
From:         Andrew Cook <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Posting the New York Times article on the Vinland Map
     Now I've seen both texts, I echo Ed Dahl's comment.
     Simplest thing to do is post it to the list, so that
     more of us can review it (thanks to Deborah Natsios for
     e-mailing it)
     Andrew.Cook@ bl.uk
     The New York Times, February 13, 1996, pp. C1, C11.
     Disputed Medieval Map Called Genuine After All
     By John Noble Wilford
     [Photo] Site of Vinland is at left edge of Vinland Map;
     inset, modern map puts it roughly at Newfoundland.
     No map in the hands of a puzzled traveler in a strange
     land was ever examined as closely as the Vinland Map.
     Scientists and various scholars have pored over
     everything about it -- the ink and parchment, the faint
     lines of known and imagined coasts and inscriptions in
     Latin -- to see if this is a clever forgery or the
     genuine article, a map drawn about 1440 and containing
     the earliest cartographic representation of any part of
     the Americas.
     And still, after more than 35 years, they cannot be
     sure and perhaps never will be. The first detailed
     chemical test, completed in 1974, indicated that the
     ink might be a 20th-century product, which seemed to
     brand the map a modern forgery. But a more recent test
     and other research appear to tip the balance toward
     At least the editors of the Yale University Press think
     so. On the strength of the new evidence, the press is
     publishing today a new, expanded edition of "The
     Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation," the book that
     created a sensation when the first editipn appeared in
     1965. At the time, Yale called the map "the most
     exciting cartographic discovery of the century."
     In an introduction to the new edition, Dr. Wilcomb E.
     Washburn, director of American studies at the
     Smithsonian Institution in Washington, said that while
     the dispute may never be resolved, it "can now be said
     to have reached a new stage." Those who have been
     charging forgery, he said, "must now assume a defensive
     role and respond to those previously on the defensive."
     Dr. Washburn was less circumspect in an interview. "I
     think the evidence is clearly on the side of
     authenticity," he said.
     John G. Ryden, director of the Yale press, said the
     decision to reissue the book was influenced by the
     strong challenge to forgery claims and a thorough
     examination of all recent findings conducted by Dr.
     George D. Painter, a retired scholar at the British
     Museum who is the last survivor of the team that
     produced the original edition.
     Dr. Painter wrote in an essay for the new edition that
     both scientific and cartographic evidence reestablished
     the map and accompanying manuscript as a "major and
     authentic message from the middle ages." The map was
     found bound with a text called the Tartar Relation
     describing Friar John de Plano Carpini's mission to the
     Mongols in the 13th century.
     At a symposium held on Saturday at Yale University in
     New Haven in conjunction with the publication of the
     book, the object of controversy made a brief appearance
     under armed guard. Valued by insurers at $25 million
     and normally locked away in a library vault, the
     Vinland Map rested on a lectern, covered by a
     protective layer of plastic. It is no bigger than two
     open pages of a moderately large book, in the book
     being published, it is reproduced at actual size. The
     ink, presumably black when first applied, has mostly
     faded to lines of pale yellowish-brown.
     On the far left side of the map is a large island in
     the Atlantic Ocean, the reason for the map's renown.
     The island occupies approximately the position of
     Newfoundland and is labeled "Vinlanda Insula."
     Since the material found with the map was prepared
     about 50 years before the 1492 voyage of Columbus, some
     scholars believe the map was drawn by an unknown
     European cartographer from records or oral traditions
     left by Norse explorers. A legend above the island
     describes how Leif Ericson and Bjarni Herjolfson sailed
     from Greenland about 1000 and discovered a new land,
     which they named Vinland.
     If genuine, the map further established the historical
     validity of the lcelandic sagas and the Norse priority
     in the discovery of America. Archeological excavations
     in Newfoundland and elsewhere have since convinced most
     scholars that the Norse had indeed reached northeast
     America 500 years before Columbus, though their
     attempts to establish settlements were failures.
     The map came to light in 1957 when a Connecticut
     rare-book dealer acquired it in Geneva and then sold it
     to Paul Mellon, a patron of the arts, who gave it to
     Yale. For eight years, Yale scholars quietly
     scrutinized the map and determined on the basis of the
     parchment and certain geographical errors that it had
     probably been drawn in Basle to illustrate the Tartar
     Relation, dated at about 1440.
     Not until after the book was first published, when
     several respected historians of cartography raised
     serious questions, did the map undergo the chemical
     test that forced Yale to concede that it "may be a
     Commissioned by Yale to conduct a chemical study, Dr.
     Walter C. McCrone, a Chicago microscopist and analyst
     of fine particles in air pollution, removed 29
     particles of vellum and ink from the map. X-ray
     analysis showed that the particles consisted largely of
     anatase, a crystalline form of titanium dioxide that is
     rare in nature and was not commercially available as a
     white pigment until 1920. Dr. McCrone decided the map
     must be a fake.
     A decade later, physicists at the University of
     California at Davis came to a much different
     conclusion. They used a powerful cyclotron to fire a
     beam of protons through the map. The procedure,
     harmless to the map, generated X-rays from which all
     elements present in the ink and parchment could be
     almost instantaneously identified and quantified. The
     results were surprising and reassuring.
     Dr. Thomas A. Cahill, the physicist who directed the
     project, reported that the ink contained only trace
     amounts of titanium, amounts consistent with a genuine
     medieval document. "The prior interpretation that the
     map has been shown to be a 20th-century forgery must be
     reevaluated," Dr. Cahill's team reported in 1987.
     At the Yale symposium, Dr. Cahill said further studies
     strengthened the case for authenticity. Comparative
     analysis of other documents of the time, including a
     Gutenberg Bible, revealed traces of titanium occurring
     naturally in somewhat greater amounts than those
     detected in the map. None of the quantities were
     sufficient to be considered a purposefully added
     Microscopic analysis of faded lines, Dr. Cahill
     reported, also seemed to discredit the hypothesis by
     Dr. McCrone about how the forger had worked to give the
     map an antique appearance. He could have first drawn
     lines with a vellow ink, presumably rich in anatase,
     and then applied a black ink over them. But the
     yellowish lines on the map, as analyzed by Dr. Cahill,
     turned out to have almost no anatase.
     "I leave it to others to talk about authenticity," Dr.
     Cahill said at the symposium. "What do we say? There is
     nothing about the chemistry or morphology of the
     Vinland Map that in any way makes it stand out from any
     of the parchments of that period that we have
     Based on the new findings, Dr. Painter concluded: "The
     chemical constitution of the ink can no longer be used
     as an argument against authenticity. On the contrary it
     becomes, instead, a series of proofs of the map's
     entire medievality."
     But Dr. McCrone is unyielding. He had not been invited
     to the symposium, the organizers said, because he had
     previously declined to participate in such discussions,
     saying there was nothing new to say. He arrived
     unexpectedly and passed around copies of a letter he
     had sent to Mr. Ryden of Yale press, complaining about
     not being invited to contribute to the new edition. Had
     he been asked, he said, the title of his contribution
     would have been, "The Vinland Map, Still a 20th-Century
     Dr. McCrone continued to argue that the forger had
     produced the entire map after 1920, using a yellow ink
     for antique effect and then applying a black ink line
     down the middle of the yellow lines. He had one
     outspoken ally at the meeting, Dr. Kenneth M. Towe,
     curator of paleobiology at the Smithsonian's National
     Museum of Natural History.
     In a new analytical approach to the problem, Dr. Garmon
     Harbottle, a physicist at the Brookhaven National
     Laboratory in Upton, L.I., conducted a statistical
     analysis of data from Dr. Cahill's group, looking for
     any patterns in the distribution of chemical elements
     over the map. The composition of the ink was uniform,
     he determined, except for one place on the map -- the
     part pertaining to Vinland itself and the legend above
     "I don't attribute much to this in terms of the
     authenticity question," Dr. Harbottle said. "Maybe
     someone came along a few years later and added Vinland
     to a map that already existed. The island does seem to
     be stuck out on the edge. Maybe a monk copying the map
     ran out of ink and made up a new batch at that point.
     But the ink is different, no question about it."
     Other scholars reported on their detective work trying
     to track down the origins of the map.
     Ardell Abrahamson, an independent scholar from
     Minneapolis, reported detecting what might be a
     modified double acrostic with an anagram in each of the
     two map legends, something
     a modern forger would have been unlikely to devise.
     Another independent scholar, James Enterline of New
     York City, suggested that some of the particle
     contaminants in the ink could have been introduced by
     anyone who had had the map cleaned in this century. He
     described how a bleaching technique used in the 1950's
     for cleaing old documents would have softened the map's
     yellow-brown stain and resulted in wrinkles and bumps.
     Scholars said new techniques in DNA analysis should
     reveal the type of animal skin used for the parchment,
     perhaps thereby identifying the area it came from.
     Although the sentiment of the meeting and most of the
     reported research tended to favor the Vinland Map's
     antiquity, Dr. David Woodward, a historian of
     cartography at the University of Wisconsin at Madison,
     who could not be at the symposium, said in an
     interview: "I'm not sure that anybody yet has come up
     with positive evidence that the map is a forgery. I am
     impressed by Cahill's work. But my mind is still very
     much open."
     [Close-up photo] Area of Vinland Map where two parts of
     inked line do not run exactly parallel was once taken
     as proof of double-inking by a forger; some now say
     such misregisters were common in authentic period
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I heard the last half of a story on the famous "Vinland" map, wednesday
>on NPR.  It turns out that the map is NOT a fake, but is in fact real.
>The story mentioned something about a publication about the map.  Does
>anyone know when and where this new article or book about the "Vinland"
>map can be found?
>--christopher jj thiry
>map librarian
>colorado school of mines
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>"At the mines, but far from the pits."
Dr Peter van der Krogt
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