----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        Well, it could only happen on Leap Day.  There I was, blithely
checking in the new USGS reports, when I came across Professional Paper
1409-D.  I whipped out my check-in card-- but I already **Had** a
1409-D.  Yikes!  Was that a prior check-in error or a 2nd copy?  I ran to
the shelf, to check-- and I already had a copy.  But wait-- they didn't
look identical: one was fatter.  So I checked more closely.....  Oh, no...
        Same number.  Same title.  Different authors. Different years.
Ack--- Different text.
        But--  there's no obvious note that the later one is a revision.
        I quickly called Linda Newman.  Her copy hadn't gotten to her
yet, so she hadn't seen this.  She suggested that we change the
numbers to 1409-D-1991 and 1409-D-1995.
        This is quite a boo-boo.  Gonna be a real mess when a library
user asks for PP 1409-D, or we try to cite it.
        With luck, though, we won't have another error this bad until
the next Leap Day-- in 2004.  Let's hope...
        -- Connie Manson