----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     I am on the eligibility list for DMA Cartographer and DMA
Spanish-Language Geographer. I have not been hired yet. Several years ago I
worked for the Bureau of Land Management as a cartographer, and several
cartographers I worked with were formerly employed by the DMA. Their reasons
for quitting were varied, but they gave me the impression that it was not a
good place to stay once you are hired. They advised me that if I get hired
by them to stay a few years for the experience and leave. I am curious if
anyone out there has worked for, or is working for, the DMA and what they
think about their job? Please reply to me on the list or my personal e-mail
at [log in to unmask]  . Thank you.
Timothy S. Hayes
Chief Cartographer
Medical GIS Consulting Services
United States
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