----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Here is an embarrassing one.  I should have a lgend for the 1:500,000 TPC's,
but I can't locate it.
I am looking at the L-12D sheet at about 121 East lat.  by 0.5 North Long.
and there are symbols within the coastal areas and coral reefs that look
like either outcrops or mangroves (shown as stars and small grey spots).
(1)  Where is an up to date index of symbols for the TPC ?
(2)  What do those particualr symbols mean ?
"The more complex and sophisticated our systems of
lateral access,  the more we sacrifice in the way of depth."
Sven Birkerts (in The Gutenberg Elegies, 1995)
James Boxall (Map Curator)
Map Collection, Science Services
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"What in observation is loose and vague
is in information deceptive and treacherous"
Francis Bacon, 1621