----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        I have a patron who is looking for a small Polish town, probably
wiped out during WWII, named Ascherleben. It is supposed to be in the
general area of Poznan (Pozen), and if it's still around, would have a
different name today. This is not, however, the town of Aschersleben in
Germany, I already tried that one.
        If anyone might have a source to identify its lat/long, I can
find it - or at least its approximate location - on a map here. I've
checked in "Where Once We Walked", and that's where I found the German
Aschersleben. The one we're looking for though has no "s" in the middle
of it. It's just Ascherleben. Any help would be great.
Eric Schmidt                      |
University of Tennessee           |     "GIS Ain't Cartography"
Cartographic Information Center   |
(423) 974-4315                    |     -To Be On My Tombstone-
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