----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Subject: Meetings of the North American Cartographic Information Society
The sixteenth annual meeting of the North American Cartographic
Information Society (NACIS) will be held in San Antonio, Texas, October
2-5, 1996.  Special sessions and workshops are being planned on the
distribution of maps through the Internet.  In addition, panel discussions
and poster and paper sessions are being organized on a variety of topics,
including interactive forms of cartography, cartographic animation, and
multimedia presentation.
Persons interested in contributing to the meetings are asked to develop a
proposal or abstract (in printed form and digital copy [3.5" floppy or
e-mail]) that includes the author's name, professional affiliation and
address, telephone number, title of paper, and a description not to exceed
250 words.  Student participation is encouraged.  Presentation time for
all papers will be 20 minutes.
Please mail proposals and abstracts before April 30, 1996, to:
Michael P. Peterson
Department of Geography / Geology
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Omaha, NE  68182-0199
FAX:  (402) 554-3518
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
The call for papers document is available through the web at:
Please join us for this meeting.
Michael P. Peterson
University of Nebraska at Omaha