----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The Center for Geographic Technologies, Analysis and Information
                Professional Development Seminars
FUNDAMENTALS OF GIS      April 4 & 5, 1996
    This seminar introduces students to the technical aspects of
    geographic information systems and emphasizes developing and
    employing operational and cost-effective GIS technologies.
    Subjects include systems analysis and design, hardware/software
    evaluation and human resource requirements for successful
    GIS implementation.
Fee: $360.00
Enrollment limit: 20
Course held: 9am to 5pm each day
Location: Salem State College, Salem, MA  USA
Other Courses Offered This Spring
Data Acquisition Applications in GIS - April 11, 1996
Environmental Modeling Employing GIS - April 18 & 19, 1996
GIS in Hydrology and Water Resource Management - April 24, 25, & 26, 1996
GIS Applications in the Geo-Sciences - May 9 & 10, 1996
* For more course information contact Dr. William Hamilton
        Phone:  (508) 741-6228
        E-mail: [log in to unmask]
* For registration information contact The Center
        Phone: (508) 741-6235
        E-mail: [log in to unmask]
* Or visit our Web Site, http://dgl.ssc.mass.edu for more
* information about our Graduate, Undergraduate, Certificate
* and Sumer Institute Programs