----------------------------Original message----------------------------
   While in the Caribbean in February, I noticed a nice map of the world's
islands hanging in a bar.  I took down the address of the publisher and sent
off a query upon returning.  Reply arrived today.  ISLANDS OF THE WORLD is
supposedly still available from Cartographie Caraibe (La Treille, 97112 Grand
Bourg, Marie Gallante, Guadeloupe, Grench West Indies) for US$29 and an
additional charge of US$10 for shipping no matter how many maps are sent.  The
publisher requests cash sent in an envelope as the bank fees for US checks are
very high.  Additional maps available are ANTILLES/WEST INDIES (Puerto Rico to
Grenada) US$15; CARIBBEAN US$15; PACIFIC US$15; and INDIAN
OCEAN US$15.  Except for the Indian Ocean which is folded only, all maps are
supposed to be available both folded and "in poster" formats.
   Now if some North American map dealer could get these in quantity, we would
pay more but it would be worth it for the convenience of not having to send
money in the mails.  One does after all, pay for convenience.
                             J. B. Post