----------------------------Original message----------------------------
 For those of you who responded to my offer in February:
 Due to shifting of hardware and materials, I have been
unable to access the storage location of the maps I offered.
Starting on March 11, I will begin filling your requests.
 Reimbursement does refer to postage costs only. Each box will
come with a cover letter explaining reimbursement procedures.
Thank You
  Peter Gratton      [log in to unmask]
  Government Publications Dept Library
  Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas
  4505 Maryland Parkway
  Box 457013
  Las Vegas NV 89154-7013
 I have all the answers. I just don't know, what questions they go to.
On Fri, 9 Feb 1996, PETER V GRATTON wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>  Last year our Geoscience Dept. donated 3 file cabinets of USGS
> folded maps, to the library. I have completed processing this
> gift and now have maps to offer.
>  My new Department head feels, and correctly IMHO, that we do not
> have the manpower to list all 1000 of the maps we have to offer.
> The students, who processed the gift, did not make a list as they
> went along. They just compared our holdings to the gifts.
>  As a result, we are asking for requests for whole categories or
> large numeric groupings. If you have any questions please e-mail.
> C 29, 31, 32, 45, 46, 49, 51, 55, 60, 61, 63, 64, & 90
> GP 149-976  approximately 300 maps
> GQ 50-1684 approximately 130 maps
> HA 199, 219, 290, 349, 381, & 471
> I 197-2340 approximately 500 maps
> MF 243, 788, 856, 916, & 2101
> OM 57, 121, & 141
>  As an example, a request for I  400-900 would be a numeric group
> request, for our purposes
>  Reimbursement is requested.
>   Peter Gratton      [log in to unmask]
>   Government Publications Dept Library
>   Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas
>   4505 Maryland Parkway
>   Box 457013
>   Las Vegas NV 89154-7013
>  I have all the answers. I just don't know, what questions they go to.