----------------------------Original message----------------------------
As an addemdum to HelenJane Armstrong's message about (primarily)
satellite imagery- there is an enormous archives of astronaut
photography, officially Space Shuttle Earth Observations Photography
(SSEOP), which includes the pre-shuttle missions as well.
Browsing-quality versions of small subsets of the archives are
accessible through the Imaging Services web site at Johnson
Space Center: http://images.jsc.nasa.gov/html/home.htm
The best quality photo products of SSEOP photography are available
through Media Services Corp, Johnson Space Center.
Call 713-483-4321 for ordering information.
NASA has released two archival videodiscs of SSEOP photographs,
covering the period 1981-1993.  The two videodiscs contain, collectively,
150,000 browsing-quality videoframe versions of SSEOP photographs.
The videodiscs, used with the UCSB software applications Wild Blue
and Yonder, allow robust querying of the SSEOP attribute database
and fast image access and image management of the video images.
Ultimately SSEOP photos should be used as photos.  Unlike LANDSAT and
SPOT, all SSEOP photography is cheap- copyright free, available to
anybody on Earth for reproduction costs.
For way more information than this on SSEOP access (the crown jewels
of the American space program) see my recent article "Wild Blue
and Yonder improve access to Space Shuttle Earth Observations Photography"
published in the NASA Science Information Systems Newsletter,
October, 1995 (No. 37, p. 7)
                                             _  _
John Cloud
c/o Geography Department
University of California
Santa Barbara, California 93106
     FAX: 805-893-7782
    Home: 805-963-1632
  E-mail: [log in to unmask]