----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Map Colleagues and Friends!
The editors of the official journal of the Association of Canadian Map
Libraries and Archives, the "ACMLA Bulletin", would like to request your
input and contributions.
If you have an idea for a contribution, please feel free to contact myself
or the Bulletin editor, Rosaline Milks at:
Rosaline Milks                           Tel: (519) 253-4232 Ext:2182
Paul E. Vandall Map Library              Fax: (519) 973-7050
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4          INTERNET: [log in to unmask]
Thank you for your consideration,
"The more complex and sophisticated our systems of
lateral access,  the more we sacrifice in the way of depth."
Sven Birkerts (in The Gutenberg Elegies, 1995)
James Boxall (Map Curator)
Map Collection, Science Services
Killam Library, Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada    B3H 4M8
(t) 902-494-3757
(f) 902-494-2062
(e) [log in to unmask]
Host Site for the Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives 1996
Annual Meeting
"What in observation is loose and vague
is in information deceptive and treacherous"
Francis Bacon, 1621