----------------------------Original message----------------------------
That's the reason why -in my opinion- it is better to answer ALL queries to
the list. It prevents a lot of double work when everyone on the list can see
that a question is answered already.
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>     On this type of query, most of us will send our answers directly
>to the person, rather then clutter up everyones E-mail on the list
>serve.  Questions of a)more general interest, b)asking opinion either
>on practices or activites, c)legal questions .... etc. are sent to the
>list to join the pool, so everyone can learn.  After all, he just asked
>where it was in CA.  I grew up the Bay Area, and sent an answer much like
>the others.  Although I did check several places to make sure the folk in
>Southern CA hadn't pulled another South Bay on us northerners.
>     Middletown, CA:  384509N1223650W.  Lake Co.  pop. 2,000. Elev.
>1,105ft/ 337m.  Post Office zip 95461.  Banking facilities.
>     OK?
>           Sue Trevitt-clark
>           University of Oregon
Dr Peter van der Krogt
University of Utrecht           Mijerstraat 20
P.O. Box 80.115                 2613 XM  DELFT
3508 TC UTRECHT                 The Netherlands
tel. +31 30 253 2052            fax: +31 15 212 6063
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