----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Perhaps other cartographic materials catalogers have experienced
similar problems?
Several days ago I was attempting to cataloge a rare atlas here in
the AGSC.  I found a level "K" record in OCLC cataloged in the old
books type format.  Since this atlas is heavily used in exhibits, I
thought it would be a good idea to upgrade this record to level "I".
Since the change in OCLC format integration phase 2, atlases are now
cataloged using the new maps format, is it appropriate to upgrade
records in the old books format?  Does OCLC or anyone else have a
"procedure" (such as adding fields used in the maps format to the
record) for these types of cases?
Could a Type Code change request be sent to OCLC?  Would this be
considered a "type code error" since it was done correctly prior to
Format Integration Phase 2?