----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We subscribe to the "CIA Reference Aid Series" through the Library of
Congress.  The subscription includes maps, atlases, and other documents,
such as the World Factbook.  It runs from Aug. 1, 1996 - Jul 31, 1997 and
costs $425.00 (U.S.) which includes postage.  I can't tell you how many
items we get each year.  However, someone else may know that.  It has been
a good way to keep up with the majority of their map publications.
Address is:
        Documents Expediting Project
        Library of Congress
        Washington, D.C.  20540-4200
        phone:  202-707-9527
If others get materials another way, I too, would be interested in
knowing that.
        Hope that this helps.
     |      Alberta Auringer Wood, Maps, Data and Media Librarian      |
     |  Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, |
     |   CANADA  A1B 3Y1.   phone: 709-737-8892; fax: 709-737-2153;    |
     |                Internet: [log in to unmask]                |
     |  web pages:  http://www.mun.ca/library/maps                     |
     |              http://www.ucs.mun.ca/~awood                       |
On Mon, 13 May 1996, Johnnie D. Sutherland wrote:
> This message is from Judith Scurfield.----------------------Johnnie
> -----------------------------------------------------
> >From: "Judith Scurfield" <[log in to unmask]>
> >Organization:   State Library of Victoria
> >Date:          Mon, 13 May 1996 14:13:47 EST
> >Subject:       Re: CIA maps
> Can anyone tell us whether CIA maps, atlases and
>  folios (eg. "The Gaza Strip & West Bank -
>  a map folio") are available directly from the
> organization, its address, and at what prices?
> They used to be sent gratis, but I don't suppose
> this is the case these days!
> Judith Scurfield
> Judith Scurfield,
> Map Librarian,
> State Library of Victoria,
> 328 Swanston Street,
> Melbourne,
> Victoria 3000,
> Phone +61 3 9669 9954
> Fax   +61 3 9669 9012
> e-mail [log in to unmask]