----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hi all!
        I have a question regarding the "Preliminary Map Series" and the
"'A' Map Series" issued by the Geological Survey of Canada. We have a rather
large set (dare I say nearly complete set??) of both of these series at our
Library and would like to catalog them. It appears as though some of the
"Preliminary Series Maps" were superceded by the "'A' Series Maps". (Random
sampling in the GSC catalog confirms about a 10-20% hit rate on this
theory). So, my question is, does anyone recall seeing a listing of what has
been superceded in the "Preliminary Map Series"?  And how are others of you
handling the cataloging of this mongo-huge series? We are planning to handle
it like an open-file or miscellaneous series--classing them together, but
giving each map an individual record (much to the consternation of our Maps
cataloger, who is unknowingly touring the Pennsylvania countryside as I
broach this subject with you all!) Any help in locating a list of superceded
"Prelimnary Map Series" titles would be greatly appreciated, as would any
thoughts on how others have dealt with these series.
Thanks in advance.
Lisa A. Recupero
Earth and Mineral Sciences Library
105 Deike Building
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
phone: 814/865-3694
email: [log in to unmask]
web: http://vector.gis.psu.edu/emsltop.html