----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Send an email message to the A.S.P.R.S, or the American Society of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.  They should be able to provide a
list of remote sensing conferences, dates, places, etc.  Unfortunately,
I don't have their email address.  Can you use an Internet search tool
to search for their home page?  If not, email me back and I will.
Jane Ely
Microsoft Corp.
Geographic Reference and Map Librarian
>From:  Scott C. Carter[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent:  Tuesday, May 21, 1996 1:29 PM
>To:    Multiple recipients of list MAPS-L
>Subject:       Help!
>This message was sent to me, any information would be GREATLY
>>   Dear Mr. Carter,
>>If you have an information about remote sensing conference , please
>>write me.
>>                                        Sincerely yours,
>>                                      Yuri P. Chalov.
>>Institute of Biology of Inland Waters,
>>152742 Borok, Yaroslavl region,
>>Dr. Chalov Yu.P.
>>Tel/Fax:(085) 225-38-45
>>E-mail: [log in to unmask]
>Scott C. Carter
>Scott C. Carter                 Information Management Technologies
>[log in to unmask]                            http://www.webcom.com/imt
>1-800-933-4562 (toll free)              (303) 987-0145 FAX
>visit our site!!!