----------------------------Original message----------------------------
    Thank you for the reply I'm interested in reading the book.  I'm an
amateur archaeologists with absolutely no credentials just an interest.
 I located several unusual rock formations that outline a piece of
property in Massachusetts.  My hypothesis so far based upon my research
is that these unusual stone structures (perched boulders) were
constructed by native americans and the site that these boulders mark
has some significance to native americans.  The possibility exists that
these perced boulders were set and balanced by colonial surveyors who
were marking the landscape.  I'm looking for refernces as to how the
colonial surveyors marked the landscape during their surveys.  I'm
hoping that they DID NOT have a practice of setting large boulders to
mark the landscape.  I am also hoping that I can find refernces to
colonial surveyors using existing "perched boulder" or "large rocks as
refence points during their surveys which would suggest that these
boulders existed before they did the surveys and that they may have had
some significance to the people who occupied the land - native
Bob Cerra
   Its interesting that you mention swamps The literature regarding
Massachusetts strongly indicates that swamps were an important place to
Native americans in the 1600's. Either the swamp was easy to defend or
easy to hid in -