----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     Yes, it is late, but I am on my way out the door for the official
     beginning of summer, the Memorial Day weekend, and I cannot help but
     to put up another summer whimsy [last year it was maps & films?
     previously dragons on maps?...] So here goes--name that map, and you
     get a prize.
     Available at your friendly local U.S. Post Office RIGHT NOW!
     The current U.S. 32 cent stamp honoring the Fulbright Scholarships is
     the mapnerd's delight!
     The design:
     a head, with a compass rose  over one eye, a multi-color map of
     Eurasia in the cranium! Neato! [WHO can identify the map?]
     One wonders if a poster is available, but I must not go too far with
     my mapnerdiness.
     Happy beginning of summer everyone!
     Alice Hudson
     Map Division, NYPL