----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I am pleased to learn that MicroSoft is improving their cartographic
products. The cartography in their version of AutoMap is, IMHO, awful!
The original AutoMap version was not great but was certainly better.
Let's hope that the forthcoming revision cleans up the representation
as well as increasing the basic utility of the product (e.g., it shows
me the sights along the route but does not permit me to say that I would
like to spend an hour looking at a museum, etc., as part of the route
Duane F. Marble                E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Dept. of Geography             Home Page: http://thoth.sbs.ohio-state.edu
The Ohio State University      Telephone:  (614) 292-2250
Columbus, OH 43210             Fax:  (614) 292-6213