----------------------------Original message----------------------------
With some last minute alterations, here is the program for the ACMLA meeting
in Halifax.
Those who have registered and are coming will be emailed with more details
about "where to meet" today.
        Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives
        Association des Cartotheques et Archives Cartographiques du Canada
                          1996 Annual Conference
                Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
                               June 2nd - June 8th
                                    Final Program
Sunday, June 2nd
        1:00 - 6:30    Executive Board Meeting, Sudent Union Building, Council Chambers
Monday, June 3rd
        9:00 - 5:00    GIS Literacy ArcView Pre-Conference Training Session
                        Seminar Room, Henson College, University Avenue
                                (next to Student Union Building)
                        Topic:  Review of ArcView and use of NRCan Data
                     Facilitator:  Mr. Gregory McKay, ESRI Canada (Halifax office)
Tuesday, June 4th
        9:00 - 5:00    GIS Literacy ArcView Pre-Conference Training Session
                        continuation from Monday, same location
                        Topic: Using ArcView and StatsCan Data for Mapping
                      Facilitator: Ms. Pam Tallon, Statistics Canada
        5:30 - 7:30    Opening Reception for all conference participants
                          University Club (Pub), Main Campus
                                      (casual dress)
                        Hosted by the Dalhousie University Libraries
                            Dr. William Birdsall, University Librarian
        Also, during the reception, there will be an official unvieling and
launcing of the
               ACMLA Birds Eye Views of Canadian Cities Facsimilie Series.
Wednesday, June 5th
                N.B.  All Wednesday Sessions will be held in The Green Room
                                       of the Student Union Building
        8:00 - 8:40    Registration and coffee
        8:40 - 8:50     Opening remarks,
                        Dr. Peter Ricketts, Dean of Graduate Studies, Dalhousie University
        8:50 - 9:45   "GeoNOVA (N.S. Geographic Information):  developments and trends"
                        Mr. Brad Fay, Assistant Director (Policy and Standards),
                        Land Information Services (LIMS), Nova Scotia Department of
                Housing and Municipal Affairs
        9:45 - 10:00  Break
                        Coffee Break sponsored by the Nova Scotia Department of Housing         and
Municipal Affairs , Land Information Services
                                Please take a moment to thank your sponsor !
        10:00 - 10:30   "Marketing and Promoting a Map Collection:  Results of a
project by
                           students of the Dalhousie School of Library and Information
                        Ms. Rebecca Hunt and Ms. Shannon Taylor
        10:30 - 11:00   Displays and Demonstrations of Award winning mapping projects
                        by Students of the N.S. College of Geographic Sciences
                Arranged by Mr. Andrew Paton of the College of Geographic Sciences
        11:00 - 12:30     Status reports, demonstrations, client "feedback" session
                        Natural Resources Canada  : What is developing/changing ?
        12:30 - 1:30        Lunch
                        (Geoff and James suggest the Grad House or the University Club.)
        1:30 - 3:00   "Building a Canadian Spatial Data Infrastructure"
                        Dr. Phyllis Charlesworth, Geological Survey of Canada
                        Dr. David Coleman, University of New Brunswick
        3:00 - 3:30  Coffee Break and Vendor Displays
                        Coffee Break sponsored by Map Link, Inc. of Santa Barbara
                        Please take a moment to thank your sponsor, and talk with the
                        Map Link Library Sales Representative, Erno Bonebakker
        3:30 - 4:15   "Maps or Pretty Pictures ? : GIS and the Internet"
                        Mr. David Cobb, Harvard University Map Collection
        4:15 - 5:00  "Project Alexandria : an update on a digital spatial library"
                        Ms. Mary Larsgaard, University of California - Santa Barbara
                                                Map and Imagery Lab.
        5:00 - ????  Dinner, parties, dancing, mix and mingle - see Halifax at night !
                        (we will have some menus and suggested places on display)
Thursday, June 6th
N.B     The morning CLA session will be held at the World Trade and
        Convention Centre, Argyle Street.  The Archives Report will be held
        in the Green Room.
        Each ACMLA Conference Registrant will have a pass to the session
        and to the trade show (the trade show pass last for three days).
        9:00 - 10:00  Report from the National Archives Visual and Sound Archives
        10:45 - 12:00  Special Joint Session with the 1996 CLA Conference
                        "GIS and Libraries : Issues, Prospects and Solutions"
                        sponsored by ACMLA, CACUL, CAPDU and the Access to
                                Government Information Interest Group
                        Elizabeth Hamilton, Map Librarian, University of New Brunswick
                        Yves Tessier, Map Librarian, Bibliotheque de l'Universite de Laval
                        Wendy Watkins, Librarian, Carleton University Library Data Centre
                        Ernie Boyko, Director, Census Operations Divison Statistics Canada
                Moderator: James Boxall, Map Curator, Dalhousie University Libraries
        12:15 - 1:45      Lunch
                      (Organized by the  Bibliographic Control Committee, ACMLA)
Chair: Grace Welch
1:45             Velma Parker, National Archives of Canada
                (with assistance from Dave Brown, Mary Larsgaard, Grace Welch)
 3:15 COFFEE
                sponsored by the Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia
Chair: Joan Winearls
 4:15           David Balatti, National Library of Canada
 4:45           Karen Lochhead, Earth Sciences Information Centre
                        MacMechan Room, Main Floor, Killam Memorial Library
N.B.  A special thanks to the Bibliographic Control Committee for this
session, which is
sure to help all of us gain a better understanding of the issues related to
spatial data!
Friday, June 7th
9:00 - 12:30   Annual General Meeting for the ACMLA
                        MacMechan Room, Killam Library
12:30 - 1:30   Lunch
2:30 - 4:00  Beach Volleyball (meet James in front of the DalPlex Athletic
Centre at 2:15)
3:00 - 6:00     Jet Lag time (sleep, shower and get ready for the festivities)
6:00 - ??       Banquet
                dinner served in the dining room at 7:00  (Candle Light Dinner)
                        University Club Dining Hall
                Cocktails in the University Club Pub from 6:30-7:00
                        Dress is semi-casual
Saturday, June 8th
        9:00 - 2:00    Field Trip McNabs Island
                        Bring your own lunch
        Geoff will have al the details in your registration packages for the field
"The more complex and sophisticated our systems of
lateral access,  the more we sacrifice in the way of depth."
Sven Birkerts (in The Gutenberg Elegies, 1995)
James Boxall (Map Curator)
Map Collection, Science Services
Killam Library, Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada    B3H 4M8
(t) 902-494-3757
(f) 902-494-2062
(e) [log in to unmask]
Host Site for the Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives 1996
Annual Meeting
"What in observation is loose and vague
is in information deceptive and treacherous"
Francis Bacon, 1621