----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     There are lots of maps in documents published by the Center of
     Military History of the US Army such as US Army in World War II:
     Mediterranean Theater of Operations (D114.7:M46/2/v.1-4) and Anzio
     Beachhead (D114.9:an9). Go to your local federal document depository
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Subject: World War II Maps
Author:  Maps and Air Photo Systems Forum <[log in to unmask]> at SOS08410
Date:    5/27/96 10:00 AM
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I am helping someone with a multimedia WWW project, part of which is
following her father, an allied solider, from his landing at Anzio to his
arrival at Dacchau.  We are looking for some appropriate maps to use, and
I wondered if anyone on the list might have suggestions?
Chris Hodge