----------------------------Original message----------------------------
On Fri, 14 Jun 1996, Dennis McClendon wrote:R
> But what if you don't have GIS source data?  What if you have drawn a map
> in FreeHand?  Can those objects then be given attribute information so that
> they can be recolored by reference to a lookup table, such as a list of
> census tracts and percentages?
My tech guys hate me talking about version 2 - I guess they want to
leave some stuff as surprises and the marketing guys don't want to
develop the "wait till the next version" syndrome, but I squeezed it
out of them anyway.
Yes, you will be able to add attribute item fields on to graphics that
were previously created in Version 2.
> I'm looking forward to seeing MAPublisher at NACIS.
We are starting to have second thoughts about NACIS - apparently the
registration is only at around 120 people.  The cost of the trip from
Canada is somewhat prohibitive for a small turnout.  You can contact
Roger Fradgley  [log in to unmask] if you want to know more about NACIS.
BTW, for those with more questions about MAPublisher (and for those
who aren't interested in the software), we will have a list up soon
specifically for MAPublisher and related discussions.
Denise Ullman                     [log in to unmask]
Product Development Manager
Avenza Software                 http://www.avenza.com
Developers of MAPublisher - changing the way maps are made.
Telephone: 1-905-639-3330 or 1-800-884-2555
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> Dennis McClendon, Chicago CartoGraphics      [log in to unmask]