This message was sent to Maps-L by Vanette Schwartz of the G7M Division, SLA,
Honors and Awards Committee.----------------------Johnnie
Bill M. Woods Award
        The Honors and Awards Committee, Geography and Map Division, Special
Libraries Association is pleased to announce that Lisa Recupero is the
recipient of the Bill M. Woods Award for the best feature article to
appear in the Geography and Map Division Bulletin during 1995.  Her
article, "Map Users and Map Reference:  Some Considerations for Map
Librarians," appeared in the June issue of the Bulletin.  The award was
presented to Ms. Recupero at the Special Libraries Association 87th
annual conference held in Boston, Massachusetts from June 8-13, 1996.
        Established in June 1975, the Bill M. Woods Award is named for an early
leader in the field of Map Librarianship and Education.  Through the work
of Bill Woods the extensive map collection at the University of Illinois
was developed in the 1950s.  Mr. Woods was a strong supporter of the
Geography and Map Division, Special Libraries Association, and in 1959
was the recipient of the Division's Honors Award.  1995 marks the 8th
time the Bill M. Woods Award has been given.
        Lisa Recupero is Earth and Mineral Sciences Librarian at The
Pennsylvania State University Libraries.  She holds a Bachelor of Arts
degree in English with a minor in Geography from the State University of
New York at Albany.  She received her Masters degree in Library Science
from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1992.  Her first
professional position was at the University of Missouri-Rolla where she
was reference librarian and government documents coordinator, along with
being liaison to four departments in geology and engineering.  Ms.
Recupero has been in her current position at Penn State since September
        The award winning article examines the role of the map librarian in
connecting users with the cartographic data they need at a level they can
interpret.  Ms. Recupero explains basic cartographic concepts such as map
type, scale, projection and relief.  She discusses user needs and
abilities, particularly  in relation to user surveys conducted by map
libraries.  Her article concludes with a discussion of the capabilities
offered to users by mapping software packages and geographic information