----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear All,
After several hundred hours of WP, HTML and Unix converting and
editing it has come to fruition. I would like to make you aware
of two new URl's.
This contains a general description of the collections of the
Royal Library of The Netherlands to which are added the holdings
of Atlantes Neerlandici and descriptions of manuscript atlases.
Further an Index on Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici to which are
added new items and facsimiles.
And last a general description of 7 other main Dutch map
collections with Atlantes Neerlandici holdings. The numbers of
these are interrelated to the Index, but it will take some time
to work with them. It was impossible on short notice to create
the several thousand hyperlinks necessary to make searching
We hope to extend the homepage soon with other interesting
The second URL is at
and contains an overview of activities of the European Map
Curators Group since 1978, progress-reports of European countries
between 1990 and 1994 and at the moment some 19 full-text
articles based on papers read during the bi-annual conferences of
1990 and 1992.
I hope to add in September the 14 articles of the 1996 conference
(which probably will take much blood, sweat and tears again).
Progress reports and articles of future conferences (the next one
is in September in Berlin) will be put on the Internet 1 year
after publication in The LIBER Quarterly, the official
publication of the European League of Research Libraries.
Jan Smits
Map Curator Royal Library, National Library of The Netherlands
Secretary of the Groupe des Cartothecaires de LIBER (European Map
Curators Group)
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