I'm  Trying to model the impact of climate change on maize production
in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania  (8.55S and 33.31 E)using DSSAT3 (as my MSc.
dissertation topic).
I'm using a cultivar H6302; which is a hybrid variety mainly growm in
that area.It is a high altitude variety (around 1500m plus) yielding
about 6tons/ha (on experimental plots).The rainfall in the area is
about 900mm annually and the max.and min. temperature are around 25
and 15 degrees Celcius respectively. Unfortunaterly I do not have the
details of its genetic coefficients: ECO#; P1; P2; P5; G2; G3; and PHNT as they are defined
in the DSSAT3  guiding  mannual vol.2 pg 201.
Can any body please assist me in defining these variables for this
cultivr; or can anybody suggest a cultivar within dssat3 which has
similar variables and can be used in case I dont get the right
Please assist