----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Would any map library in North America have the maps as listed below and
be willing to lend them to us ? I am particularly interested in The
sheet for the Geological Map of Syria at 1:200,000.
Many thanks
Joan Winearls
Map Librarian
University of Toronto Library
Would any Map Library have and be willing to lend the following
geological maps for Syria :
       Schematic Map of Quaternary Sediments of Syria by K. Mirzayev
(Moscow 1964)
       Geological Map of Syria 1:500,000 by V. Ponikarov & I. Mikhailov
(4 sheets (Moscow, 1964) and Geological Map of Syria 1:1,000,000 by same
       Geological Map of Syria 1:200,000 (19 sheets) Moscow, 1963. Sheet
I-37 XV
       We need them fairly quickly for a professor who will be leaving
shortly to do archaeological work incentral Syria.
Many thanks
Joan Winearls
Map Librarian
Data, Map & Government Information Services
University of Toronto Library