25 September 1996
I NEED HELP. I would like to couple my rice blast model (BLASTSIM.2) with
CERES-Rice and have identified four basic coupling points.
1. Light use efficiency
2. Carbohydrate assimilation
3. Maintenance respiration
4. Death rate of leaves
I have no CERES-Rice documentation to inquire where I should be looking. Is
there anybody out there who can tell me what subroutines of the CERES-Rice I
can find these four points. Likewise, I also welcome suggestions of what
other coupling points should I consider. Thanks
Nong Calvero Jr.       e-mail: [log in to unmask]
EPPD-IRRI, PO Box 933  phone: (63-2) 812-7686 loc 601
Manila, Philippines    fax: (63-2) 891-1292
"...just do it!"