----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Since nobody else has taken a stab at this I thought I would just "jump
right in" as it were! Chuck, the rules for main entry in AACR2R typically
does not allow publishers to be the main entry, except in the case of maps,
where map publishers are often also the creator of the maps. The rule
interpretations for Rule 21.1B2 do a nice job of spelling out cartographic
responsibility and the meaning of "emanating from a corporate body". In
particular under "Applicability" number (1) asks "does the work emanate from
the corporate body involved?" and in (a) under number 1 the first sentence
says "The corporate body has issued (published) the work."  Several other
"for instances" are posted.
You say that Kuperard is listed prominently on the covers, to me this has
implications for main entry. Without actually seeing any of these works I
believe the scenario I posted above would make Kuperard the main entry for
these maps, and the companies holding copyright would be listed in the
publication field with your choice of whether or not to trace them also
through a corporate added entry (710). If you feel that your patrons *might*
look for these items under the copyright holders name then do so, but
generally publishers listed in the 260 are not traced for an added entry.
My best guess is that Kuperard is responsible for the intellectual content
(and footed the bill as well) and the copyright holders were the companies
that did the actual map printing/production work.
This reminds me of the AAA road maps that are sometimes published by General
Drafting or Rand McNally, I think its a parallel situation in that the
American Automobile Association is main entry...
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>This message is cross-posted to AUTOCAT and MAPS-L.
>I am cataloging some tourist maps (Sydney at a glance, Jerusalem at a
>glance, etc.) published by Kuperard (London) Ltd., which is named
>prominently on the cover panels.  Each of the maps has a copyright
>statement in small print in the legend with the name of another
>company (Berndtson & Berndtson, mainly).
>Would you make main entry for Kuperard, or would you regard the
>copyright statement on the map as an indication of who is responsible for
>the intellectual content of the map, and thus give that firm main entry?
>Thanks in advance for your views!
>Chuck Bearden                   email: [log in to unmask]
>Catalog Department              voice: 713/247-3499
>Houston Public Library          fax:   713/247-3158
>500 McKinney Ave.
>Houston, TX  77002              -=> NOT SPEAKING FOR HPL <=-
>      -=>HPL's Homepage: http://sparc.hpl.lib.tx.us<=-
Mr. Paige G. Andrew
Maps/Nonbook Cataloger
E506 Pattee Library
Pennsylvania State University Libraries
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
[log in to unmask]
phone: 814-865-1755
fax: 814-863-7293