----------------------------Original message----------------------------
               State University of New York at Stony Brook
                       Stony Brook, NY 11794-3331
                                            David Y Allen
                                            516 632-7110
                                            19-Sep-1996 02:22pm EDT
TO:    Remote Addressee                     ( [log in to unmask] )
Subject: Ethiopia topos
        One of our graduate students wants to digitize the contour lines at two
sites in Ethiopia where he is doing research.  The first site is called Melka
Konture (about 40 miles south of Addis Abbaba).  The other is near the town of
Dire Dawa about 200 miles east of Addis Abbaba.
        He would like the maps to be as detailed as possible.  There is
apparently a 1:200,000 scale series covering Ethiopia produced by the former
Soviet Union which would be satisfactory for his purposes.  If anything more
detailed is available (which I doubt), that would be even better.
        Is there anyone out there able/willing to help him in his quest?