----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        I just checked the Library of Congress Z39.50 server via our
Cataloguer's Toolbox.  Doing a search of the names thesaurus using either
Arabian Gulf or Persian Gulf as a subject did not yield any results.
Searching the book database under Arabian Gulf as a subject brought 0
records, while Persian Gulf retrieved 1,384 items with that as a subject
heading or part of a subject heading.
     |      Alberta Auringer Wood, Maps, Data and Media Librarian      |
     |  Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, |
     |   CANADA  A1B 3Y1.   phone: 709-737-8892; fax: 709-737-2153;    |
     |                Internet: [log in to unmask]                |
     |  web pages:  http://www.mun.ca/library/maps                     |
     |              http://www.mun.ca/library/media                    |
     |              http://www.ucs.mun.ca/~awood                       |