----------------------------Original message----------------------------
   On Mon, 26 Aug 96 John Shanton wrote:
Yes the New Pubs. List is now on the net.  The hard copy was getting out of
hand cost and publication numbers wise.  Try the www.usgs.gov. Hopefully with
it being put on line it is closer to real time than the previous 3 to 4
months to get them published as before.
John Shanton
   *    *    *    *     *     *     *     *    *    *     *    *     *
   Not meaning to take unfair advantage of Mr. Shanton, who was kind enough
   to reply, as do other members of USGS who are on the list, but I find it
   hard to resist the opportunity to ask a question with regards to New Pub
   now being available only on the net. What about people who use New Pubs
   who do not have "The Net" available to them?? How are they supposed to
   access this information? What about the idea that it is public funds,
   i.e., your taxes and mine, which pay for this and now it is only
   available to those fortunate enough to have a computer? Sure, lots of
   people have access to computers, but it is very easy to forget, once
   you've got your computer, that not everyone has one. And I'm afraid I
   won't find acceptable the answer "Just go to your public library." When
   I visited the public library where my family lives in June, a regional
   reference library in northern New Jersey, they certainly didn't have
   access to the WWW.
   I'm afraid I tend to get on a soapbox about this. I certainly don't mind
   marching ahead into the future, but these unilateral decisions by
   government agencies that everyone is expected to be up to their speed
   when they say so...well, if Frank Capra was still making movies...
   Am I way off on this? What do other people think?
   April Carlucci                                [log in to unmask]
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