----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Please check the homepage of the Alexandria Digital Library:
Select: Public Documents
Then select: ... metadata ...
and you'll see what ADL has done so far.  Metadata is a primary emphasis in ADL,
given that a guesstimated 90% of all spatial data is currently available only in
hardcopy form.  That means that metadata (which is still in many ways just
cataloging records) is of supreme importance. But we knew that ...
The Cataloging Dept. in the Davidson Library at UCSB (in which the Alexandria
Digital Library is predominantly located) does not deal with metadata;
spatial-data cataloging is the responsiblity of the Map and Imagery Lab. The
exception is book-format materials that go to MIL; these are cataloged by the
Cataloging Dept.
Mary L. Larsgaard
Map and Imagery Lab, Davidson Library        Alexandria Digital Library
University of California, Santa Barbara