----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Some of our staff, especially students, have recently expressed the
physical difficulty they have in re-filing maps into the map cabinet drawers.
It is particularly hard to insert new maps into the drawers which
hold the large NOAA maps; many of these drawers are very full and the
maps that have to be lifted/rolled forward in order to insert the map
in the right spot are very heavy. I do not want to fold these maps, but am
looking for a solution to the ergonomic problem.  How do you folks
handle this? I would appreciate any tips anyone can give me.
 Please reply to me personally, and I will summarize
into one message to the list.  Thanks.
Suzanne N. Taylor
Documents Librarian
The Libraries
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO  80523
E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
Voice Mail:   970-491-1880