----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I have a request from a client which (if anyone can, someone on this list
should be able to help) is probably a real brain stumper. But here goes.
This person is looking for the name of a city that was once called
"Nameless City." She doesn't know where this place is/was, it may not even
be in Michigan. That's all the info she gave me and it's probably not
enough. But, on the off hand that someone has just that piece of trivia
lurking in their conscienciousness, I though I'd throw it out here and see
what happens.  Thanks for not laughing too loudly.
Ellen R. White
Cartography Center
Michigan State University
315 Natural Science
East Lansing, MI 48824
517/355-4658 voice
517/432-1671 fax
Geography Department Home Page:  http://www.ssc.msu.edu/~geo