----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Apologies for cross posting.
in collaboration with Marine Micro Systems of Aberdeen are seeking a
to prepare a short residential course in Integrated Hydrographic Surveying
The course, to be repeated 3-4 times a year, aims to provide both
theoretical and practical training in the integrated use of specialised
Hydrographic Surveying equipment, the Global Positioning System (GPS) and
Geographic Information Systems (GIS).  lt is hoped that course participants
will acquire expertise in the application of these technologies to the
measurement and classification of sea/lakebeds and to environmental
The Course Development Officer post is for a fixed contract of 4 months.
Ideally the successful applicant will have experience in Hydrographic
Survey, GPS and GIS, and an appropriate academic qualification.
Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Colin Adams, Environmental and
Evolutionary Biology (tel: 0136-087-0271; email:
[log in to unmask]), Dr Jane Drummond, (tel: 0141-330-4208; email:
[log in to unmask]) or Mr lan Gordon (tel: 0141-330 4781; email:
[log in to unmask])  both of Topographic Science
Those interested in this post should submit a current CV (including names
and addresses of two referees) and covering letter to Dr. Colin Adams,
DEEB, Glasgow University, GLASGOW, G12 8QQ by Dec. 15th. 1996. Up to 17466
UK pounds sterling per annum remuneration is envisaged.