----------------------------Original message----------------------------
This is being sent to several lists, sorry for the duplication. For
additional information, see the Web:  http://www.mun.ca/shd97/
Two other meetings of related societies will be taking place about the
same time, see http://www.mun.ca/geog/cca97.htm (Canadian Cartographic
Association) and http://www.mun.ca/geog/CAG/index.html (Canadian
Association of Geographers).
                       Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting
                            August 14-16, 1997
                     Memorial University of Newfoundland
                       St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
                    (In Cooperation With the Hakluyt Society)
                             Preliminary Information
The Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting will be held on the campus of Memorial
University of Newfoundland from Thursday evening, August 14, through
Saturday, August 16, 1997. In addition to papers on topics in the history
of geographical exploration, there will be social events, such as a
reception and banquet, tours of St. John's and the local area, and a post
conference expedition to Bonavista, L'Anse aux Meadows, and Red Bay. Local
arrangements are being made by Alberta Auringer Wood, Maps, Data and Media
Librarian, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Nfld., Canada
A1B 3Y1; phone: 709-737-8892; fax: 709-737-2153; net:
[log in to unmask]
                   Tentative 1997 Annual Meeting Schedule
Thursday evening, August 14 -- Reception and registration
Friday, August 15
     Council breakfast
     Session I
     Session II
     Session III
     Session IV
Saturday, August 16
     Session V
     Session VI
     Business meeting
     Optional walking or bus tour of St. John's and vicinity
     Dinner on your own
Optional Field Trips
Trip No. 1: Sunday, August 17 (1 day) -- Ferryland (first North American
home of Lord Baltimore) and boat tour to observe whales and birds.
Trip No. 2: Sunday, August 17 to Sunday, August 24 (approx. 7 days) --
Northern Newfoundland and Labrador -- BONAVISTA (a National Historic Site
will open here in 1997, coinciding with the 500th anniversary celebration
of John Cabot's voyage to America), L'ANSE AUX MEADOWS (a National
Historic Site and UNESCO World Heritage Site commemorating a Norse
settlement of ca. 1000 A.D.), and RED BAY, Labrador (National Historic
Site; centre of a 16th-century Basque whaling operation). If interested,
contact Ed Dahl, National Archives of Canada, net:  [log in to unmask] or
telephone:  613-995-1452.
For additional information, see the Web page:  http://www.mun.ca/shd97/
Last Modified: Thursday, November 28, 1996 at 09:44 PM by Alberta Auringer
Wood, [log in to unmask]
     |      Alberta Auringer Wood, Maps, Data and Media Librarian      |
     |  Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, |
     |   CANADA  A1B 3Y1.   phone: 709-737-8892; fax: 709-737-2153;    |
     |                Internet: [log in to unmask]                |
     |  web pages:  http://www.mun.ca/library/maps                     |
     |              http://www.mun.ca/library/media                    |
     |              http://www.ucs.mun.ca/~awood                       |