----------------------------Original message----------------------------
And then there's always HP Lovecraft's "Nameless City" of the Sahara...
(published in 1921).
Craig Haggit
University of Wyoming
(waiting for an easy way to do a sig file)
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I have a request from a client which (if anyone can, someone on this list
>should be able to help) is probably a real brain stumper. But here goes.
>This person is looking for the name of a city that was once called
>"Nameless City." She doesn't know where this place is/was, it may not even
>be in Michigan. That's all the info she gave me and it's probably not
>enough. But, on the off hand that someone has just that piece of trivia
>lurking in their conscienciousness, I though I'd throw it out here and see
>what happens.  Thanks for not laughing too loudly.
>Ellen R. White
>Cartography Center
>Michigan State University
>315 Natural Science
>East Lansing, MI 48824
>517/355-4658 voice
>517/432-1671 fax
>Geography Department Home Page:  http://www.ssc.msu.edu/~geo