----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We've been clearing out our Canada collection, and have several boxes of
Geological Survey of Canada maps to give away to other libraries.  They are all
from a series that's labeled with a number, then a year.  Tell us what you
need, and we'll see if we've got it, or better yet, take the whole set if
you like!  Also, we have many index sheets of geological maps from the
Geological Survey of Canada, printed in the 1980's.  Let us know if you need
any of the numbers.
Also available:
Geological Survey of Canada map 900A 42nd ed., 1039A 12th ed., 1044A 8th
ed., 1207A, 1256A, 1258A, 1294A, 1294A, 1295A, 1316A, 1317A, 1318A, 1366A,
1399A, 1400A, 1505A, 1512A, 1513A, 1558A, 1559A, 1580A 2nd ed., 1588A,
Many copies of USGS MF-1835-H
USGS MF 1835-F
USGS atlas HA-354
USGS I-770-D,770-H,770-J,790-B,790-C,790-F,938
Geological Survey of Alabama Map 41,81-83,90-91
New York State Museum and Science Service map and chart series no. 16
Geologic atlas of Texas Amarillo sheet, 1969
Lynne Raymond
Associate Librarian
Illinois State Geological Survey Library
615 E. Peabody Dr.
Champaign, IL  61820
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FAX: 217-333-2830