The program is called isusse.for.  This program reads the first run
in growth.out, nitrogen.out, and water.out, and matches measured data
in file T with predicted data in the *.out files. To use this,
1) be sure you have your simulation output set to 1 day intervals.
2) Run crop model for your desired experiment and treatment
3) terminate crop model and run isusse.exe.  An output file will be
created which has 2 parts. The first part of the statistics filename
is the same as the first part of the fileT. The second part
corresponds to the treatment number.  For instance, I ran
IUAF9501.SBX and isusse.exe once for each of 5 treatments. I get the
following files:
IUAF9501.G01 - Statistical data for treatment 1
IUAF9501.G02 - Statistical data for treatement 2
IUAF9501.G03 - Statistical data for treatment 3
IUAF9501.G04 - Statistical data for treatment 4
IUAF9501.G05 - Statistical data for treatment 5
There is also a slight modification that needs to be made to the file
T. An exclamation point should be entered followed by either GROWTH,
NITROGEN, OR WATER. See the file iuam9501.sbt file that I have
attached for an example.
Feel free to change or modify this program and use it in any way
you'd like.
Call if you have any problems.
Dr. William D. Batchelor
Assistant Professor
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-3050
ph. 515-294-9906
fax 515-294-2552
email [log in to unmask]