Dear Porcine avionic supporters;-
     The responce to my questions has been terrific. I now know more
than I did about Olives, Rivers, and Endangerment. What I really
wanted to know about Dr. Zeigler was more about the man than his book.
   But that wasn't the point. All I wanted to do was lead the way
suggesting new topics.
    Here's something to think about. Lumpers and Splitters: Is the
designation of species determined solely by our perception of it? Is
there a standard established to tell us when shell characteristics
(or how many variants) warrent the designation of "new species".
Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but I would think "species"
would have a more scientific backing. It does seem that the eye of
the beholder determines speciation. If no such standard exists, can
we establish one? Will such a standard vary from family to family?