Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 11:31:17 -0800
From: Betty and Bob Lipe <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: Re: Eel grass corrections and controversy
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I don't know much about the species that live on the eel grass way up
there, but I thought it might be fun to try to name the species that we
find on eel grass here in Florida.  Here in the Tampa Bay area we find
in abundance, Modulus modulus (Linne, 1758) (The Atlantic modulus or
Button Shell)  Of course the species modulus is in controversy, like
everything else of course, but that is what I have called it for many
years.  We have a slipper shell that I call Crepidula convexa Say, 1822,
but I'm not sure it even lives down here.  These may be young maculosa
or fornicata, but they sure look different.  I have seen Marginella
eburneola Conrad, 1834 on the lower part of the grass, but they mainly
like to stay on the bottom in the grass beds, along with the other 6
species of Marginellas. The Columbellidae also like it on the grass, but
is also in the red algae that is scattered throughtout the grass.
Columbella rusticoides Heilprin, 1887.  Anachis semiplicata, Stearns,
1873.  Anachis obesa (C.B. Adams, 1845). In the Buccinidae, there is
Cantharus multangulus (Philippi, 1848).  There are quite a few Turridae
the Phil Poland has collected, but I'm not sure if they are on the grass
or the algae. OK can anyone else think of any other species, and do you
agree or disagree with me.  When we do go out shelling in the area, if
we work fairly hard at it, we can find 50+ different species on one
field trip.  But of course not all are on eel grass unless they are
crabbed.  I haven't been shelling this winter, but I'm trying to get
myself interested again. Have been just to busy.
Bob Lipe
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bob & Betty Lipe mailto:[log in to unmask]
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